Q30:What are the reasons why people engage in cyberbullying behaviour?

  The internet environment offers anonymity and a sense of detachment, making people feel less responsibility for their actions. Because of the supposed anonymity, some people may feel emboldened to engage in cyberbullying conduct without considering the real-life ramifications for the victim.



  1. I believe that because this is a delicate topic to write about, additional content and information are required in order to raise awareness about cyberbullying.
    I like how the post answers the subject in a very clear and straightforward way. However, I believe you should provide some examples or specific facts about the reasons why people engage in cyberbullying behavior. I also believe it would be beneficial to provide data to indicate whether there are any recurrent factors as to why people engage in cyberbullying so that people can understand the importance of cyberbullying and how to avoid it.

  2. The main factor for cyberbullying is the internet environmet which is a inevitable fact for sure. Honestly, education didnt help to prevent cyberbullying. However, experiencing cyberbullying did help a lot by oserving my classmates. I wish you gave examples on situations how people engage in cyberbullying or witnessed cyber bullying. By Lisako


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