

Offline exchange

Survey review

Q30:What are the reasons why people engage in cyberbullying behaviour?

Q29: What are the different forms of cyberbullying, and how do they manifest online?

Q28:How can bystanders effectively intervene and support victims of cyberbullying?

Q27:Is there a connection between cyberbullying and traditional bullying? If so, where do they meet?

Q26:What effect does cyberbullying have on one's self-esteem and confidence?

Q25:Can therapy and counselling assist victims in recovering from the trauma of cyberbullying?

Q24: What is the role of social media influencers and celebrities in preventing cyberbullying?

Q22: Is cyberbullying more common on specific social media platforms? What could be the reason behind this?

Q21: What responsibilities do social media platforms have in monitoring and moderating cyberbullying incidents?

Q20: Is cyberbullying prevalent throughout all age ranges, or does it predominantly affect certain demographics?